Please see below a summary of the ANZBMS Awards. To review the full terms and conditions for each award please visit the ANZBMS website.
ANZBMS Highest Rated Student Abstract Award
You must be a current higher degree student (eg. PhD or Masters) or clinician trainee.
Roger Melick Young Investigator Award
You must be a current higher degree student (eg. PhD or Masters) or clinician trainee.
Christopher and Margie Nordin Young Investigator Poster Award
You must be a current higher degree student (eg. PhD or Masters) or clinician trainee.
Amgen-ANZBMS Outstanding Abstract Award
Awarded to the highest ranking abstract submission to ANZBMS.
ANZBMS Clinical Case Award (for the Metabolic Bone Disease Clinical Cases session)
Please see the ANZBMS website for full terms and conditions for all awards:
• The applicant must be a financial member of ANZBMS for the past 12 months (or provide documentary evidence of the commencement date of employment or candidature if this has occurred within the past 12 months).
• Applicants that receive alternative travel support to attend this meeting from their specific Society will not be eligible.
• The applicant must have made a substantial contribution to the work and be the first and presenting author of the paper to be delivered at the ANZBMS 2025 Scientific Meeting.
• The applicant must be a research student or no more than 3 years (full-time equivalent) out of their highest degree as the cut-off (i.e. Masters, PhD, College Fellowship).
• Career disruption criteria: Pregnancy, major illness or carer responsibilities including parental leave and care for immediate family (e.g. spouse, children or elderly parent).
• The applicant's supervisor must be a financial member of ANZBMS.
• The applicant must indicate they are applying for a travel grant during the abstract submission process.
For more information on travel grants, see the ANZBMS website: